I'm up against a dead end. And it's earth, not rock. 而且这是泥土,不是岩石。
This is much better than dead rock star kitchen. 这比死摇滚明星的厨房好多了。
The dead were placed in a cave cut out of a rock it had shelves to lay out the dead on them. 尸体被放置在石洞里,将石块切割成岩床来摆放尸体。
Another time when Mila and Oa were struggling with their health, they witnessed a small group of ants carry a dead wasp up a large rock. 另外有一次,Mila和Oa正挣扎于他们的健康问题。他们见证了一小群蚂蚁在一块大石头上搬运一只死黄蜂。
English: if anybody can hear this, they are dead, I'll try to go to the black rock, please help us. 英语:如果任何人能听到这些,他们死了,我会再回到黑岩,请救救我们。
Dead coral heads and most rock rubble areas generally hold fewer species ( but fascinating ones, nonetheless). 死的珊瑚头和大多数碎石区很少生长生物(但那些奇异的生物除外)。
I would rather know he was dead at Rock Island than hear he had taken that oath. 我倒是宁愿他死在罗克艾兰也不要听到他宣誓消息。
Studying the property of dead soft rock has important meaning for the local engineering construction. 对极软岩特性进行研究,为该地区的工程提供有效的防护措施和保障工程的安全进行具有重要意义。
Stability Analysis of Excavation Slope on Dead Soft Rock and Research on Technique of Side Slope Protection 极软岩路堑边坡稳定性分析及防护技术研究
The collapses is a physical geology phenomenon refering to the high and precipitous slope rock mass or the soil body, under the effect of dead weight and exogenic force, suddenly separated from the mother rock ( earth) body and violently came down from the high place. 崩塌是指陡峻边坡岩体或土体在自重和外力作用下,突然脱离母岩(土)体而突然猛烈的由高处崩落的物理地质现象。